Committed to Preserving and Telling the Stories of All of Altadena

Altadena is one of the most racially diverse communities in Los Angeles County, a fact that many of us who live here are proud of. At the Historical Society, we are committed to making sure the cultures and voices represented within Altadena’s historical narrative reflect the true and complete history. We want to use the power of history as a catalyst for building connections in our community, and to deepen our understanding of how our diverse community has made Altadena a special place.
Now more than ever, it is important for us to serve all of Altadena. We are committed to ensuring current or future generations understand the rich history of our community by expanding out collections and sharing more stories of people of color. AHS realizes by addressing inequities we must try to make sure our organization reflects our community in voice and vision. This is a journey. We know change is hard, but we will stay the course. We are committed to being on the right side of history. Please let us know if you can help.