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An invitation to share your pandemic experience

COVID-19 closed the archives, but we’re still preserving history How’re you doing? We hope you and yours are well and are coping with the pandemic as we all muddle through together.

We have an idea and you can help.

It’s difficult when we’re in the middle of an event to see how important and historical i will be in a few decades. As your HISTORICAL society, we’ve been considering how to preserve it for future members to read and gain insight.

Here’s where you come in!

Please consider recording your thoughts and feelings as we all move together through the next weeks ahead.

We’re not asking for extensive journals (we’re not all natural writers) but this is a chance for all of us to contribute thoughts and experiences for those who will come along later and wonder just how we all got through it together.

Here’s a link to a self-history interview worksheet that can help you get started.

Feel free to email anything you’d like to contribute to what will undoubtedly be a fascinating ”peek into the past” for those in the future!

And please collect any articles, photographs or other items that tell how Altadena is faring during the coronavirus pandemic and send them along for our files.

Thanks in advance!

Your friends at AHS

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